Raw-ish Carrot Almond Flax burgers

If you don’t mind eating a “burger” that’s rather orange in color, this recipe is a dawn of new horizons on the meat-less path to happiness! Or something.
I was going to follow a recipe I found online for this one, but ended up not having any of the ingredients besides carrots. So, alas, I improvised. And the results were not too bad.
I say “raw-ish” because I am aware ketchup and sriracha are not raw (bummer!) and I’m not sure about black pepper. But, whatever. Substitute if you must.

Are they cheap? Yes! Why? Because they are like a trashcan of whatever you have in your fridge. Feeling guilty about the $10 you spent on produce at the farmer’s market two weeks ago and haven’t eaten? Not to worry! Grind it up and throw it in. Don’t have raw almonds? Great! Use the remnants of nuts in that nasty Walgreens trail mix you bought at a moment of vegan desperation and hunger. Don’t have spices? “Borrow” your roommate’s curry powder and soy sauce. Seriously, just improvise.

4 large carrots
about 1/2 c sprouted flax seeds
about 1/2 c flax seeds
1/4 c sprouted almonds
a little less than 1/4 c cilantro (I used dried cilantro I had previously dehydrated. Fresh would work also)
a little less than 1/4 c ketchup
1 tablespoon Sriracha
1-1/2 tablespoons black pepper

What to do:
1. Grind up sprouted flax seeds in VitaMix or food processor
2. Add 2 carrots, some cilantro and about half of the almonds and flax. (unless you have a super amazing food processor, I recommend mixing the ingredients a little at a time. My VitaMix could not handle it all at once)
3. Once mixed put in a mixing bowl, and grind up the rest of the ingredients in the vitamix/food processor. When done, add this to the mixing bowl.
4. Stir together, and all the ketchup, sriracha and black pepper. Add whatever other seasonings you think would be good.
5. FREAKING WASH YOUR HANDS. Nothing grosses me out more than dirty hands fondling food! Make little carrotalmondflaxcilantroketchup balls and smoosh them so they are patty-shaped, and put on dehydrator trays.
6. Dehydrate for about 8 hours, depending on your dehydrator. Also depending, you might have to flip them halfway. Mine is awesome so I don’t have to (thanks mom!)

Eat them topped with lettuce, spinach, kale, tomatoes, ketchup, salsa, veg cheese, sweet potatoes, whatever! My fridge is currently understocked so I will probably just be eating them with ketchup 😦 Enjoi.


my AMAZING raw granola

This was the first thing I ever made in my dehydrator and I now make it on a weekly basis. and it usually stays in the pantry for about 4 hours until Jeff and I eat it all (and I make, like, multiple trays of it.) So basically you get the idea. It’s great.
I made up this recipe based on these great raw “chips” I had bought before from Whole Foods. They’re great, but the problem is they cost like SIX DOLLARS A BAG! Soo expensive. So I attempted to make my own – this comes out more like granola bark-ish shape than chips, but I suppose you can shape them however you want!

Just for your info, golden flax seeds *look* prettier. The granola in the photos is using the dark brown flax. There is no taste difference. Actually I don’t know if there is a difference at all, besides color.
Also, this granola is pretty cheap to make – if you find deals on the ingredients. Dates are EXPENSIVE usually. I bought a pack of “baking dates” (basically date mush) for $2.50 from the previously mentioned family owned Indian grocery, probably about 2 cups worth. I buy flax seeds in bulk, since they don’t go bad (or it takes a long time to). Raw almonds can be pricey so I recommend buying in bulk, or, if you don’t care about the raw-ness, buy regular unsalted almonds which are way cheaper.
Enough talk! Let’s eat!

1/2 cup of pitted dates
1/2 cup flax seeds (I usually do like 1/4 c sprouted and 1/4 c not)
1/4, or a little more, sprouted raw almonds
1 banana

Check out these sprouted flax seeds.

Do this:
Dates, almonds, 1/4 c flax into the vitamix.
Mix it a little, add banana.
It should start looking doughy and soft (and weird).
Add the rest of the flax.
Spread VERY THINLY on mesh dehydrator sheet (I think there is a proper name for this).
8-10 hours at 105 degrees. Break into pieces.
Done. Yay!

Try variations, throw other things in, I’ve been meaning to add cinnamon but keep forgetting. I’ve seen recipes that include apple chunks and other dried fruit! Mmm.


Vegan Naan Pizza

Jeff and I make naan pizzas at least a few times a week. They are seriously so incredible. BTW Daiya cheese > dairy cheese all the way.
“What is a naan?” you ask? Delicious pocketless pita-like Indian bread that is great for many things, pizza, dipping in hummus, veggie burger bun, whatever. BUT make sure your naan is VEGAN! The 365 brand from Whole Foods is not (and it’s super expensive). Jeff and I buy a package of 10 naan (or is it naans? I don’t know) from a family owned Indian grocery store for $3.50. Not bad!


1 naan
about 3 tablespoons* of pizza/pasta sauce
about 1/4 c* Daiya cheese (others do not taste as good/melt as well. It’s worth the splurge)
Italian seasoning to taste.

*This depends on what size naan you are using.

I think the prep is self explanatory, it’s a pizza.
Bake in the toaster oven at 350 degrees for about 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and naan is kind of crispy. If you don’t have a toaster oven, have no fear! Use your regular oven.

Nom nom nom!

Whole Wheat Vegan Chocolate Chip Pancakes!

Get ready for the most delicious morning ever!

I used this recipe for easy vegan pancakes, with a few modifications (see my added notes below!) including adding chocolate chips.

1 cup flour -I used whole wheat, and it definitely makes a difference!
1 tablespoon sugar -I used Sugar in the Raw
2 tablespoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt -I did not use salt.
1 cup soymilk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil -I used olive oil.
***I added a handful of vegan chocolate chips.

1. Set out all your ingredients.
2. Set a stove element with a pan to medium heat.
3. Combine the 4 dry ingredients (flour, sugar, baking powder — two Tablespoons, not two Teaspoons as some have suggested, salt) in a bowl.
4. Add the soy milk and vegetable oil to your mixture.
5. Mix until smooth.
6. Now the pan should be ready for your batter, so spoon one pancakes’ worth of the mixture into the pan.
7. Flip [carefully] when you see bubbles in the middle of the pancake, or if the edges are looking stiffened.
8. Repeat until the batter is gone, and try not to eat them all while you’re cooking them.

Have a lovely morning!

Dehydrator Kale Chip experiments

Today is raw kale chip day!

I am going to leave this next paragraph to my Whole Foods employee boyfriend who can tell you all about the nutritional benefits of kale (whoopee!)

I found a lot of enticing recipes on the internet, however, did not follow any of them. Why you ask? Because it is raining. And, it is warm and cozy in the apartment, and I did not feel like getting on my bike in the rain to get nutritional yeast and apple cider vinegar. SO – basically these kale chips were made from whatever was in my kitchen – I suggest you try the same, make do with what you have! (Way to be savvy!) And to the financially-conscious – I bought 10 stalks (huge) of kale from a family-owned produce store for $2. What!

Oh and PS I read on one recipe, if you don’t have a dehydrator (and don’t care about the chips being “raw”) these can be put in your oven on low heat (250ish?) until crispy! Yay!


1 stalk of kale*
1 marinade*

*Make more marinade per stalk. I found it was easier to deal with if you mixed the marinade each stalk (and each tray, 1 stalk = 1 tray) at a time. So basically if you have a shit load of kale, you’re going to need more than 1 tablespoon of whatever. You know?

Here’s what you do:
wash kale.
dry kale.
Break into small chip-sized pieces (about 2 inches or so).
Prepare marinade by combining ingredients (see examples below).
Dip pieces in marinade and smoosh it all over kale (Don’t drench it though!)
Dab off extra stuff on a paper towel.
Put on dehydrator trays.
Dehydrate until crispy (8 hours or so depending.)

The following recipes are marinades for the kale.


Oil/Vinegar/Italian Kale Chips
1-1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon Italian spices
1 teaspoon black pepper (I’m obsessed with black pepper)
1/2 teaspoon-ish garlic sea salt

Sweet Chips?!
1 tablespoon olive oil
1-1/2 tablespoon brown flax seeds (or golden, whatever)
3 teaspoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Basic Kale Chips for those who don’t get out much
1 tablespoon-ish olive oil – take a paper towel and dab a little on each piece of kale
garlic sea salt – I put a little on each piece (straight from the grinder)

All turned out delicious, let me know how any innovations you make turn out!